The flipside of the personal data coin: useful suggestions on one side and ownership, control and responsibility on the other

Think about how Tesco Clubcard and many other firms are finding out more and more of our needs, interests and other personal data – in fact every time we use a phone or a web browser to make a transaction or to communicate with friends we generate data that firms collect and can then analyse. These areContinue reading “The flipside of the personal data coin: useful suggestions on one side and ownership, control and responsibility on the other”

Socialising your data: Social data needs intermediaries

Any single retailer gets a very limited view of its customers’ lives – just the part of their lives that it helps them with. But deep insights need to be based on very broad views of customers’ personal contexts, which are understood by looking at lots of different aspects of their lives. The social dataContinue reading “Socialising your data: Social data needs intermediaries”

What retailers want – and how to get it (3/3)

New Analytic Strategies: lots of new toys plus Big Data – what to do now? The key objectives of Retail remain the same. Measures like recency, frequency and value are what defines the profitability of the different retail ‘entities’ such as SKUs, lines, ranges, single stores, regions, chains, brands, campaigns, seasons, segments, channel and evenContinue reading “What retailers want – and how to get it (3/3)”

What retailers want – and how to get it (2/3)

Indispensable Customer Experience How many loyalty cards do you have in your pocket? How many loyalty schemes are you a member of? … That’s not very loyal is it? Most loyalty programmes are just bribery in return for customer data. But if each customer’s experience of a brand, through several cycles of awareness to consumption,Continue reading “What retailers want – and how to get it (2/3)”

What retailers want – and how to get it (1/3).

Retail is being disrupted by lots of new technologies right now. The social media that networks shoppers together in lots of different ways. The mobile devices that people use anywhere and everywhere as well as the apps that run on these devices. And the Big Data that shoppers and supply chains continuously generate. But the technologyContinue reading “What retailers want – and how to get it (1/3).”

They are looking at you: Google’s telescope versus Facebook’s telescope.

I love the way that Google+ is an even bigger reason to login and give Google a token to link together all my other interactions with Google products. Each of which tells Google a little bit about what I’m interested in. Google products are not there to get customers to use the web, they’re thereContinue reading “They are looking at you: Google’s telescope versus Facebook’s telescope.”