My new Econsultancy post – How purchase intent data can help you understand the customer journey.

I’ve a new post on Econsultancy, the digital marketing blog. It’s from some research I’ve just done with Maybe*: How do millennial shoppers decide what to buy? We’ve shone a light into the dark recesses of the customer journey. The earlier on along the shopper journey you go then the less you know. But earlier onContinue reading “My new Econsultancy post – How purchase intent data can help you understand the customer journey.”

Big Data Analytics is changing the decision-making structure of organisations

[Source Wikimedia Commons] Big Data is changing how organisations make decisions, who makes the decisions and even the types of decisions to be made. If we think of organisations in terms of decision-making structures and processes of decision-making then what will these look like in an organisation that fully uses Big Data analytics? Some peopleContinue reading “Big Data Analytics is changing the decision-making structure of organisations”